When it comes to Mother-In-Laws, It's always the End of The World


     An odd thing happened this week.  My wife was visiting my Mother-In-Law (We call her Granny), and they needed me to login and check her machine for computer viruses.   As part of my regular job I log into hundreds of systems a month using LogMeIn Rescue.  The Rescue tool generates a random 6 digit number that the customer on the other end uses so I can login and take control of their computer. 

RANDOM NUMBER FOR LOGMEIN RESCUE   As I generated the random code so I could log into Granny’s computer you can imagine my joy and amazement when the code came back as 666-911.  The number 666 is commonly associated in religion as the mark of the beast, or the devil’s number, and 911 has taken on a life of it’s own the past 15 years.

It’s the end of the world, and it’s an emergency.

FUN WITH GRANNY     In order to fully understand my joy with the code 666-911, you need to understand a little more about my relationship with my Mother-In-Law.   I apologize in advance, but much of my interaction with my mother-in-law has been great fun and mostly inappropriate.    We love to give each other a bad time, we never take offense, and we find a lot of satisfaction in thinking up terrible things to do to each other.  I don’t know who enjoys it more, me or Granny.

SOME OF MY ANTICS WITH GRANNY     If you don’t have a mother-in-law like mine then I feel sorry for you.  Here is a short list of the many fun experiences we have shared together.
  • Taking a cue from my wife’s brother Scott, I have been known to hide Granny’s glasses in the fridge in the potato salad.
  • One time while attending a church service in her town I stood up and congratulated her on her 88th birthday.  She was in her early 70’s at the time.
  • I’ve been known to tease Granny about a particular prominent physical attribute that she has.  I won’t say any more about that.
  • I once called her house and pretended to be the local sheriff and told her told her that she had cows out on the highway.  She just about killed me when she found out it was me.
  • Granny taught me how to cuss and say terrible things in Czech
  • I once posted NO PARKING signs on posts in 5 gallon buckets on the driveway and up and down our street one morning when I knew she was coming to visit.
  • I often tease her that when she dies I’m going to have a bronze mold made of my hand that I will slip into her coffin right before they close the lid at the funeral. 
  • When we are shopping at the grocery store I have been known to talk really loud so everyone can hear and say things like “Did you remember your teeth?”  (Granny doesn’t wear dentures)

My wife’s family has given me grief my whole life for being a city boy.  They can all fix just about anything that moves, and me --- not so much.  Years ago I heart that there might be a job opening on the farm.   I sent Granny  poem as a job application. 

I Wanna be a Farmerby Bob Edwards / Copyright© 1998

I wanna be a farmer,
and plant stuff in the ground,
I got my Dodge,
 I’m in the club,
I love to drive around.

I wanna be a farmer,
I’ve got the city blues,
And I’ll do anything you ask,
If it doesn’t soil my shoes.

I wanna be a farmer,
I’m sure that cows is great,
Except the smell,
They leave behind,
I don’t appreciate.

I wanna be a farmer,
Won’t never break a sweat,
Just sittn’ round’
And watch stuff grow,
Is really fun I bet.

I wanna be a farmer,
I think, I think I can,
If you need a guy,
Who don’t know $&@#t,
Then darlin’ I’m your man.

Needless to say, I didn't get the job.

I’m not sure of Granny’s actual age, but it must be in triple digits by now.   We’ve had a lot of fun together, and the fact that she hasn’t killed me yet is a testament to her virtue, patience and kindness.   When the day comes that she leaves us it will truly be a 666-911 situation.   She will be off raising 666 hell somewhere else, and it will be a 911 emergency for those of us left behind.

Bob Edwards

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  Robert Edwards is the CEO of Comm One LLC, a Call Accounting Software developer headquartered in Draper, UT.


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